Tuesday, May 15, 2007

these planes are pretty boring....

instead, I want to look at this scene in a massing diagram. the crowd is literally carving through the city making their way to the rave. they struggle to keep everyone together in the scene while still bumping into "obstacles" or horizontal and vertical planes is much more interesting to me.
for this next video i added an abstract city scape with vertical planes and animated as the crowd is drawn through the city

Video sent by dorithershtig
I decided to narrow down the clip and just focus on the downtown scene where the "pack" is traveling through downtown tokyo. they have to forcefully go through the crowd which I have abstracted as horizontal planes.

Video sent by dorithershtig

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

it is apparent that I am still thinking in Linear movement...

For Part 2 of this project, I decided to look at the camera transitions from horizontal to vertical in planar rather than in linear movement.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007